Personal Umbrella Insurance
Lawsuits can happen no matter how careful you are, and the legal fees and damages can be devastating.
Personal Umbrella Insurance provides additional financial protection beyond existing liability coverage.
It covers lawsuits, accidents, and incidents that may exceed the limits of other policies. Zelano Insurance Agency offers umbrella insurance services in Chepachet and Greenville, RI.

Personal umbrella insurance from Amica gives you an extra layer of important financial protection, above and beyond the liability coverage that your auto, home or marine policy provides.
- Car accidents: Imagine that your teen driver gets into an accident. Your auto insurance has $250,000 in liability coverage, but you are sued for $750,000 by the other driver. You'd have to come up with the balance of $500,000. With A umbrella insurance policy, you'd be covered.
- Home accident: Someone slips and falls on your property and sues you for $500,000. If you have only $300,000 of liability protection from your home insurance, you'll have to somehow find the extra $200,000. That can be a life-changer, and not in a good way. With A umbrella insurance policy, you'd be covered.
- A Dog incident: Your dog bites someone, a lawsuit follows, and the lawsuit costs and damages exceed what your homeowners policy covers. A umbrella insurance policy can cover those extra expenses.
- Renter's lawsuit: If someone is injured while renting a property from you, that tenant could file a personal injury claim against you. You could owe hundreds of thousands of dollars beyond what your current coverage provides. With an A umbrella policy, you'd be covered.
- Boat or Motorcycle accident: If an injury is caused by your watercraft, such as a boat or jet ski, you could be liable for damages beyond what your marine insurance policy covers. A umbrella insurance policy can cover that extra expense.
Is it worth having an umbrella policy?
Yes, If you have significant assets, it's worth getting a personal umbrella policy. Your liability insurance within your auto and homeowners insurance policies might not be sufficient if you get sued for an incident such as dog bite, car accident or accidental injury to someone else.
What does the term umbrella mean in insurance?
Personal umbrella insurance is extra insurance that provides protection beyond existing limits and coverages of other policies. Umbrella insurance can provide coverage for injuries, property damage, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations.
Is an umbrella policy a waste of money?
No, Personal umbrella policy is not a waste of money for people with more than $500,000 in assets. Umbrella policies provide liability coverage beyond the limits of another insurance policy, and even if a policyholder never files an umbrella claim, the low cost of coverage is usually worth the added financial protection.
Zelano Insurance Agency has locations in Chepachet, and Greenville ( RI ) to service your Personal Umbrella Insurance needs.
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